Unpaid Fees

Unpaid Fees

It has been noted that a considerable amount of fees remain unpaid by Members/Players.

The Committee of Northern Suburbs Junior-Minor RLFC Ipswich Inc, has decided that these players are banned, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, from playing in any fixtures until these fees are paid in full. The parents of these children know that they have not made any payments, despite the repeated requests to make arrangements to pay the fees owing.

While this is a course of action the Committee did not wish to take, but again we feel we are left with no other option.

This is not directed at the families that are making regular payments, those players can join their team mates on the field.

This action is directed at the families that are making no payments at all, the free ride is over!

It’s not fair to the families that have done the right thing & paid their fees.

Coaches & Managers have been informed of the Committee’s decision & have been instructed not to allow the banned players to take the field.

Club Contacts

Treasurer Michelle 0423 421 630

President Jason 0400 026 490

By Order of the Committee

Northern Suburbs Junior-Minor RLFC Ipswich Inc


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